Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Welcome To Our Lady Of Lourdes, Sion

Welcome to Our Lady Of Lourdes, Sion

It all started with a vision......

Yes it all started with a vision, a vision that we saw, a vision that we dreamed about, a vision that we knew would be difficult but not impossible, a vision which would tire us but will eventually turn into a true reality..... The vision - OUR LADY OF LOURDES, SION BLOG

I feel so privileged today to share this wonderful news that we finally entered into a world of communication.

This was not possible without 2 factors - 1) Our Lady's blessing 2) Fr Jose's support

With this – we are one step closer in unleashing our capabilities, our talents, our skills and all that we have to a wider audience.

With this – Fr Jose, I and all of us are making a tireless attempt to bring to the online world all the news around Our Lady of Lourdes Church.
Remember we may stand alone at this stage but tomorrow we have a vision of a global audience – no boundaries, no borders to stop us in sharing our vision and inviting all to be a part of our vision.

So keep reading.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Fr. Jose / Walterr Farnandess / Arul Das
Lourdesion Communication Cell
email -


  1. I Congratulate the parishners ,the parish priest Fr Jose, Asst Parish Priest Fr Augustin, Fr Thampi, and all the priests of Shalini Bhawan together with the chair members of the council, all members of the council on the occasion of this great step towards achieving what we have declared in the last council meeting held on 23.11.2009. "The start of the Blog in the name of Our Lady of Lourdes Sion".

    Great work done by Walter Fernandess ,the Barbara and Family . God Bless you all.

    Christin Aruldas.

  2. hmmm...gr8 work..
    God bless !!...:)
