Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lourdesion Girls Football Team

Expect the unexpected

On various other networking and communication platforms – I have already dealt with this subject. A subject which is now a very strong memory for all of us i.e. The forming of the first Lourdesion Girls Football Team OLLAS which means ALL OUR’s and its consecutive victory.

In so many years of our church history, this was the first time that we discussed, under the support of our Parish Priest – Fr Jose Thottokadavil,OCD, and that we had the full backing to form the girl’s football team - OLLAS (All Ours)

There was an apprehension initially but it lasted only until we got the first girl to enroll – once we had one – the rest followed. Coz they all knew that this was not a publicity gimmick but something where they will learn, something which will make history, something which will leave a footprint their lives, something which will keep their head held high. Yes, they created history by becoming first ever Lourdesion Girls Football Team winning the second place in the Inter Parish Rink Football Tournament Pool, being the youngest but the toughest group among all the parishes.

They turned up daily for the practices; they fell, they got hurt but got up again! We won’t make this too melodramatic but yes we felt proud to coach and be with these. I and finally we did expect the unexpected..

Finally we played two games – we lost one and we won the other but we all knew that when this was over – we were still the winners as we were placed 2nd in our group and it was our biggest achievement. And why I say so? Well I would just end my thoughts with a lovely quote (which actually sums what I have to say!)

Kudos to Lourdesion Girls football team OLLAS.

It gives us honour to write the below names - and as we write - let every one who read this know that these are the ones who made OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH, SION proud.

Jennifer Samuel, Roshni Aruldas, Lorna Consica, Diana Fernando, Antoinette Consica, Roshal Sorris, Jennifer Trinidad, Margaret Rego, Valentina D'souza
Merlin Rego, Romila Aruldas, Tracy Pereira.

I knew you all won’t give up and I was sure I won’t give up on your training.

Please do encourage others to join as well!!!!! We are your friend, your coach and more than that – we are one of you, and we send this message to any new players wanting to play. We are here. We are waiting. Welcome To Lourdesion Football Team – OLLAS.

So carry on and we will meet now as planned - this is just a first victory ..... many more to come.... many more to be challenged…

And finally....1 .....2 ......3 .... OLLLLLLAAASSSSSSSSS!!!!!

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

Thanks & God bless+

-Lourdesion Communication Cell
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Monday, December 7, 2009



Date: Sunday 13th December, 2009

Venue: Don Bosco Grounds, Matunga

Time: 4 p.m. to 9.45 p.m.

The Archdiocesan Youth Commission (a body representing Catholic youth of the Archdiocese - Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad) has been organizing various events over the past years, which have been centered around social and national themes, relevant to young people. This years theme is Peace and Harmony. It seeks to place before the youth, the need for peace that is the need of the hour in our colleges, society, state and country. In India our youth have a specific role to be peacemakers keeping in mind especially last year's devastating militant attacks on Mumbai in which 166 people were killed by terrorists. We have to inspire our youth to build bridges and work for communal harmony that will result in lasting peace. The proceeds of this event will go towards various institutions taking care of Cancer Patients.

Approximately 5,000 youth from the region are expected to attend this festival. In addition, there will be several celebrities, renowned in their respective fields, who will grace the occasion. Bishop Bosco Penha, bishop-in-charge of youth of the archdiocese, will also be present.

There will be floats on trucks with peace and harmony messages, coming from the entire region. The youth too will be coming by buses with peace message banners in Hindi, Marathi and English. The programme will begin with a colourful peace parade, comprising youth representatives from all the 120 churches, grouped into 11 segments (deaneries). The programme will also include song, music, dance, drama, testimonies etc. The Youth-friendly Band By Grace will lead the youth to find peace within themselves and be peace-makers. There are also great fabulous prizes to be won.

We need your help by inviting ALL the youth you know!!!! Adults working in the Youth Ministry are also welcome.

Thanks & God bless+

-Lourdesion Communication Cell
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Bombay Catholic Sabha 19th Annual Academic Awards


The Bombay Catholic Sabha [BCS] invites you to meet some of the best brains from the community who will be awarded for their academic excellence on Saturday, December 05 at 5.30 p.m.

The Nineteenth Annual Academic Awards presentation will be held on Saturday 05 December at 5.30 p.m. at Canossa Convent Annexe, Primary and Special School, Off.MMC Cross Road, Mahim.

One of our young and dynamic motivators, Mr. Vivek Mendonsa, the Marketing Director of M/s Lawrence and Mayo , the renowned Ophthalmic Opticians to the Nation and the county will be our honoured Chief Guest.

Best Regards,
Dolphy D'souza
St Michael's Annexe, Mahim,
Mumbai 400 016.

-Lourdesion Communication Cell
email -

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Renewal Of Our Lady Of Lourdes Church

Church Building - Renewal of OLLC

Parish Priest Speaks:

My dear Parishioner's,

"For the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name"
(Lk. 1:49) Last year onwards, we are specially praying for the permission from BMC for renovation of our 'HOUSE OF GOD', so that we could come together as a 'community of communities', to praise and worship the Lord in a worthy manner. I am happy to share with you that our concerted prayer is answered; the long cherished desire of getting the permission from the BMC is realized. Our prayer is "remove all the obstacles and difficulties on its way of renovating the church. The biggest obstacle, "permission" is removed. Let us thank the Lord from our heart. Now the next difficulty is the 'FINANCE'. I believe, with our Mother and patroness of our parish, Our Lady Of Lourdes, that "nothing is impossible with God" (Lk. 1:37) I request all of you to keep the intention when we continue praying 'for the speedy renewal of our church'.

May the peace and joy dwell with you all!

Fr. Jose Thottukadavil, OCD
Parish Priest


God, our heavenly Father/ in the past/ your servant, the great King David,/ desired to build a temple for You/ so that Your faithful could gather there to worship You/ and bring sacrifices to You! But the people of Israel/ had to wait till the time of King Solomon/ to have their glorious Temple of Jerusalem,/ according to Your will and plan (lkgs 8:24). With the psalmist we do believe/ that unless "You build the house,/ in vain do its builders labour" (Ps 127:1) And with the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Patroness/ we dare to assert that/ "nothing is impossible with God" (Lk 1:37).

With faith and deep confidence/ we place before you/ our long cherished desire/ for the renewal of our Church. Lord, inspire all the concerned persons in this task/ and instill in them courage and commitment/ to do the needed. Remove all the obstacles and difficulties on its way,/ so that we, Your new people of Israel,/ could come together as 'a community of communities'/ to praise and worship You in a worthy manner,/ in the church renewed according to Your will and plan,/ as soon as possible. We make this prayer through Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ/ and through the intercession of His Mother,/ our Mother and patroness of His Mother,/ our Mother and patroness of our Church,/ Our Lady Of Lourdes. Amen

1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory.

Our Lady Of Lourdes, Pray for us.

-Lourdesion Communication Cell
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