Monday, December 7, 2009



Date: Sunday 13th December, 2009

Venue: Don Bosco Grounds, Matunga

Time: 4 p.m. to 9.45 p.m.

The Archdiocesan Youth Commission (a body representing Catholic youth of the Archdiocese - Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad) has been organizing various events over the past years, which have been centered around social and national themes, relevant to young people. This years theme is Peace and Harmony. It seeks to place before the youth, the need for peace that is the need of the hour in our colleges, society, state and country. In India our youth have a specific role to be peacemakers keeping in mind especially last year's devastating militant attacks on Mumbai in which 166 people were killed by terrorists. We have to inspire our youth to build bridges and work for communal harmony that will result in lasting peace. The proceeds of this event will go towards various institutions taking care of Cancer Patients.

Approximately 5,000 youth from the region are expected to attend this festival. In addition, there will be several celebrities, renowned in their respective fields, who will grace the occasion. Bishop Bosco Penha, bishop-in-charge of youth of the archdiocese, will also be present.

There will be floats on trucks with peace and harmony messages, coming from the entire region. The youth too will be coming by buses with peace message banners in Hindi, Marathi and English. The programme will begin with a colourful peace parade, comprising youth representatives from all the 120 churches, grouped into 11 segments (deaneries). The programme will also include song, music, dance, drama, testimonies etc. The Youth-friendly Band By Grace will lead the youth to find peace within themselves and be peace-makers. There are also great fabulous prizes to be won.

We need your help by inviting ALL the youth you know!!!! Adults working in the Youth Ministry are also welcome.

Thanks & God bless+

-Lourdesion Communication Cell
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